Hello ... ;)
Freelance Web Design & Web Development is one of my greatest passions. Based in the Sacramento Area, I provide interactive web design services from design concept to coding and site production & development. I also offer responsive Wordpress design & development as well as Wordpress maintenance, CSS/HTML fixes and Wordpress template updates. NEW Wear OS Watch Face Design on Google Play.
Responsive Wordpress Blog Development and Design, Content Management System CMS, Web Site Development
From teeny-weeny to bigger jobs: consultations, design and web development to web site updates, website re-designs as well as design/coding troubleshooting and QA testing.
Questions? Don't hesitate to contact me.
is often described as 'the holy grail' in almost any design discipline.
In today's world everything tends to be overloaded with oftentimes unnecessary information which leads to clutter and an artificial complexity that only blurs the intended message.
Applied to web design, simplicity will greatly improve aesthetics as well as create 'empty' (breathing) space for the eye and mind that let's the user access and process content more effectively - thus creating a more positive and memorable experience and association with your site, your brand or service.
Questions? Don't hesitate to contact me.
Responsive Web DesignResponsive Web Design...
Responsive Web Design...
Responsive web design allows your website to serve your content in an optimal form regardless of what type of device is being used to access it.
While responsive web design requires additional work processes, it delivers a huge benefit by enhancing the user and brand experience on mobile devices.
According to market research, smartphones are already outnumbering traditional computers as far as accessing the web is concerned and investing in an effective and optimized mobile-friendly website will definitely prove be a very smart long term investment.
Questions? Don't hesitate to contact me.
a freelance web designer resume shortlist
freelance web | interactive designconsult | design | code
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Websitei4 Energy
UC Sacramento
UC Sacramento

UC Sacramento
UC Sacramento

Decision TreeBP Identity

WebsiteAbbott & Company

Interactive ScreensAllied Domecq

WebsiteHDR Remodeling

WebsiteSymmetry Corporation

WebsiteReal Learning Company


Website visuals:Sony Vaio


WebsitePottery & Beyond

WebsiteReal Learning Company

Website Lulu Torbet

Website Lulu Torbet

WebsiteMIT Lemi

Website visualsKIVA

WebsiteSimons Institute
UC Sacramento
UC Sacramento


WebsiteCitrus to Citrus

WebsiteCameron Bamberger

WebsiteProduct Milestones

Monica Suder

freelance web | interactive designconsult | design | code
germany: andreas was born in Germany and after completing his studies there established his life in the San Francisco Bay Area.
educationeducation: andreas studied visual communication and graphic design (BFA) in Germany. Fields of studies included typography, photography, perceptional psychology, technology, design and civilization history.
san franciscosan francisco: andreas moved from Germany to San Francisco and shortly therafter started working as a freelance web designer.
ratesclients: a short selection includes:
rates: web design projects can be based on an hourly rate or on a fixed budget for a pre-defined project scope.
clientsclients: a short selection includes:
BP, JVC, SONY, VISA, Borland, Allied Domecq, SOLA Optical, UC Sacramento, Stanford University and numerous other small and medium sized businesses.
bauhausbauhaus: studying in the Bauhaus tradition, andreas developed a very systematic approach to design - starting with research about the object of design first which in turn leads to concepts and designs that successfully communicate the essence at hand.
japan: andreas lived and worked as a graphic designer in Tokyo, Japan for 2 years.
philosophyphilosophy: andreas is a strong advocate of "Less is more" — the Bauhaus design tradition. He believes that in today's information driven world it is more important than ever to clearly communicate, to make the complex simple, and to create "space"for the eye and mind — allowing information to be processed in a meaningful way.
asmusinteractive: andreas saw the potential of web design and interactive design and established asmusinteractive.
passionspassions: besides his passion for digital art and interactive web design, andreas is also a passionate nature photographer.